Edges Wins Cityscape Award
Nov. 22, 2017
We are overjoyed to announce that we have just won the Cityscape 2017 award for our beloved Edges Apartments!! What a night it has been. Thankful to God and all our well-wishers and our client who trusted in us.

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At the Special Honorees Gala held at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, Studio Toggle was distinguished with the...

Studio Toggle honored at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris: At the Special Honorees Gala...
Studio Toggle named the ‘Best Young Architecture Firm’ at Architizer A+ Awards
Studio Toggle was named the 'Best Young Architecture Firm' at the Architizer A+ International Awards 2022

Studio Toggle named the ‘Best Young Architecture Firm’ at Architizer A+ Awards: Studio Toggle was named the...
Studio Toggle named the ‘Best Architecture Firm in the Middle East and Africa’ by Architizer
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